È emersa in rete la lista completa di tutti i Trofei/Obiettivi presenti nell’atteso Fallout 4.

In totale sono 50 (51 su PS4 per via del trofeo di Platino) e per conquistarli tutti dovremo completare la main quest, un buon numero di quest opzionali, uccidere un numero elevato di nemici umani e non e tanto altro ancora.

Ecco la lista completa di tutti i trofei/obiettivi di Fallout 4:

Platinum Trophy
Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy

War Never Changes
Enter The Wasteland

When Freedom Calls
Complete “When Freedom Calls”

Unlikely Valentine
Complete “Unlikely Valentine

Complete “Reunions”

Dangerous Minds
Complete “Dangerous Minds”

Complete “Hunter/Hunted”

The Molecular Level
Complete “The Molecular Level”

The Nuclear Option
Complete “The Nuclear Option”

Complete “Institutionalized”

Complete “Mankind-Redefined”

Powering Up
Complete “Powering Up”

Nuclear Family
Complete “Nuclear Family”

The First Step
Join the Minutemen

Taking Independence
Complete “Taking Independence”

Old Guns
Complete “Old Guns”

Semper Invicta
Join the Brotherhood of Steel

Blind Betrayal
Complete “Blind Betrayal”

Ad Victoriam
Complete “Ad Victoriam”

Join the Railroad

Underground Undercover
Complete “Underground Undercover”

Rockets’ Red Glare
Complete “Rockets’ Red Glare”

Complete “Sanctuary”

Community Organizer
Ally with 3 Settlements

Benevolent Leader
Reach Maximum Happiness in a Large Settlement

Complete 10 Side Quests

Complete 50 Misc. Objectives

Gather 1000 Resources Used For Crafting

What’s Yours Is Mine
Pick 50 Locks

RobCo’s Worst Nightmare
Hack 50 Terminals

Armed and Dangerous
Create 50 Weapon Mods

Wasteland D.I.Y.
Craft 100 Items

Never Go It Alone
Recruit 5 Separate Companions

Reach Maximum Relationship Level with a Companion

Build 100 Workshop Items

Future Retro
Play a Holotape Game

?The Harder They Fall
Kill 5 Giant Creatures

Ranger Corps
Discover 100 Locations

Print’s Not Dead
Read 20 Magazines

Prankster’s Return
Placed A Grenade Or Mine While Pickpocketing

Kill 300 People

Animal Control
Kill 300 Creatures

Get a Homerun

Get a Touchdown

They’re Not Dolls…
Collect 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads

?They’re Action Figures
Collect 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads

Born Survivor
Reach Level 5

Commonwealth Citizen
Reach Level 10

Unstoppable Wanderer
Reach Level 25

Legend Of The Wastes
Reach Level 50

Prepared for the Future
Decide the Fate of the Commonwealth

Fallout 4 sarà disponibile dal 10 novembre per PS4, Xbox One e PC.

Fonte: exophase.com

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